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8th Grade Lions

8th Grade


8th graders continue to build on the skills that they learn in 7th grade.  The main goal of this year is to help students think independently while preparing them for courses in high school such as biology and chemistry.

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Studying Materials Scientifically

August - September


8th graders start out their year by looking at how scientists study different materials and what the properties, costs, and benefits are of those materials.  We look at hazardous waste and the problems associated with it while making decisions on various scenarios that are presented.



Metric System



We have a quick refresher on what the metric system is and how it used since this material was covered in 7th grade.  We then will build on the information learned and apply it to the various properties of materials.



Chemistry of Materials

October - December


This unit begins by introducing that materials have life cycles as well as living organisms.  We trace the lives of materials such as glass, plastic, and aluminum to figure out which one would make the best drink container.  Then, we take a closer look at plastics and the many different types of plastics and the properties of each.  We also touch on the Periodic Table and building molecules in this unit.



January - March


Genetics is a brand new subject to students of this age.  We get to investigate what controls the look of certain organisms and the probability associated with that.  We also take a look at different forms of reproduction in organisms including mitosis and learn how an organism's genetic outcome is directly linked to this.


Weather and Atmosphere

March - April


In this unit, we look at the driving causes for the weather and climates that exist on earth as well as how the atmosphere is tied in.  Also studied is the ocean and its currents and how this also directly influences the weather around us.

Periodic Table Project



We take a closer look at the Periodic Table and the elements it holds.  Students are responsible for 2-3 elements and create a square for a team-wide periodic table that explains an element's basic information, historical background, and interesting facts.



Science Career Project



During the second nine weeks, guidance councellors talk with students about different careers they have the opportunity to do and the best career that matches each student.  To go with these lessons, we take a look at careers that have a science background; everything from materials engineers, to biologisis, to health care workers.  Students research information such as job requirements, salary, and classes to take in high school and then create an octahedron to display this information on for the whole class.


Dragon Genetics

Love dragons?  Want to find out how genes are transmitted from parents to offspring?  We explore the Law of Independent Assortment as well as investigating how genotypes influence phenotypes as we create our own dragons.


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