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Science Binders

What are


In science class, we have a class set of lab manuals only.  There are no textbooks.  One of the most important thing that we do all year is create our own textbook.  To do this, we keep interactive science binders with the lessons of the day, vocabulary, drawings, and any other materials that will help us master our content.




In order to find materials quickly and efficently, your binder needs to stay organized at all times.  I expect that any handouts you are given have a page number that corresponds with your lesson's page number.  This way, if you are looking for a specific diagram that you know we covered during Activity 34, you can find the diagram with the correct lesson.


Table of Contents


The table of contents is a very important tool.  Every day, a page number will be assigned to that lesson.  Every handout or additional page that corresponds with that lesson will have that same page number followed by a letter.  When you are needing to find specific information or study for a quiz or test, you can simply look at your table of contents to find the right lesson.



Lesson Pages


The lesson page should be started out with the lesson title and page number.  Every day, there will be a warm-up question on the board.  These questions should be written out and then an answer provided in complete sentences.  During the lesson, vocabulary words and definitions, important things to remember, procedural charts and diagrams, and analysis questions will all be recorded on this page.


Other Important Documents


There are a few other important materials that will be needed during the year that will be kept in the back of the binder behind all the unit's lesson pages.  These may include assessment data, word walls, and our lab safety guidelines and contract.

Stay Organized and Earn a Good Grade!


Periodically through each unit, there will be binder quizzes.  Students will be assessed on how well they keep their binder to encourage organizational skills.  Items that are looked at during these quizzes are whether the table of contents and lesson pages are being filled out correctly, if analysis questions are being answered, and general appearance of their binders.

Notebook Examples
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